The Europe Diverse and United Project – EDU
By educating young children aged between 10 and 14 about the European Union, EDU project will inspire a need for knowledge as well as fact-checking about the EU. The children will be made aware from an early age of what their rights as a citizen of the EU are and how much power their voice can hold. They will be inspired to keep up to date with the developments of the EU and take a more responsible and active role in their civic participation.
PR1: The EDU Manual and Training Platform
Project Result 1
is a friendly-to-use tool for teachers. This teaching tool consists of accessible training materials (manual) and user-friendly training platform. The aim of the manual is to give teachers a framework to develop training activities for children
PR2: The EDU European heritage – Innovative teaching materials
Project Result 2
This Project Result contains 3 modules focused on three separate areas: history, culture, and general knowledge, with each module being accompanied by an activity such as a quiz or a game:
– Module 1: History + Quiz
– Module 2: Culture + Scavenger Hunt
– Module 3: General Knowledge + Board Game.
The modules are engaging and creating curiosity, inviting for further knowledge seeking. More info coming soon…
PR3: The EDU European facts - A European Integration Resource Tool
Project Result 3
WP1 : EDU Resource Tool is developed in the form of a website and it includes: EU facts, countries, Common EU feasts, etc. It serves as a comprehensive online book about the European Union and its Member States. This website aims to gather all crucial information about the EU in one place and display it in a way with language appropriate to 10-14 year olds. A huge advantage of this resource tool is that it fights any misinformation.
WP2: EDU Lesson Plans covers the topics covered by the previously developed modules and the information gathered in the WP1: Resource tool. The goal is to provide the children with all necessary information and leave it to them to make their own opinions.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-